Bleach 414: Solo Spoiler

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  • #630684

    Nella seguente discussione potrete trovare gli spoilers di Bleach 412.
    1)Postare, come dice il titolo, solo gli Spoiler (script e pics)! Per la loro discussione c’è l’apposito topic.
    2)Postare, possibilmente, script che abbiano almeno la traduzione in inglese (per una maggiore “leggibilità” da parte di tutti) con la relativa Fonte, il relativo Stato (Confermato, Incerto o Fake) e i dovuti Crediti.
    Script e Pics vanno rigorosamente sotto .
    3)Possibili fonti dove trovare spoiler confermati: MangaHelpers e 2ch.


    Fonte: 2ch
    Credit: Ohana
    Stato: Confermato69るま ◆KENseIuXK2 :[SPOILER]2010/07/28(水) 16:42:13 ID:K34MI95I0

    鏡花水月から唯一のがれる方法は、完全催眠の発動前から刀に触れておくこと。その一言を聞き出すのに何十年 かかったことやら。
    十三隊の誰一人そのことを知らないのにあなたを倒せる気でいたからハラハラした、殺せるのはボクだけやのに とギン。
    刀が抜かれると同時に出血すう愛染。知っていた、狙いなど知った上で連れていた。どうやって私の命を狙うの か興味があった。
    だがこの程度では殺せないと愛染。するとギンは自分の刀を見せ、刃の真ん中が欠けているの見せ、欠けた部分 を隊長の中に置いてきましたとギン。
    前にボクの能力について説明したけどあれは嘘。言うたほど長く伸びない、言うたほど速く伸びま せん。
    そして愛染の胸に手を置き、死せ(ころせ)、神死槍と唱える。ギン・・・・貴様・・・・!!! と愛染。

    Traduzione totale eng

    [SPOILER]Cover pic is Gin in a bamboo thicket wearing a white kimono and taking off a fox mask.

    Gin returns. He’s asked about Rangiku and he says he killed her.

    “Certainly her reiatsu has disappeared,” says Aizen. “I thought you had a bit more regard for her.”

    “I am a snake, cold blooded, unfeeling, searching for prey with the tip of the tongue, swallowing whole whomever I please.”

    As he says this he passes by Aizen. During this time Tatsuki and the others try to get far away.

    Aizen says he’s tired of catching mice. He’ll kill them and hang them where they can be easily seen from outside the area, and then begin creating the king’s key.

    “Then I’ll kill those kids.” Gin draws his sword and restrains Aizen’s sword.

    Then using his own clothes for a blindfold, he stabs Aizen through the chest with his sword.鏡花
    “The only way to escape Kyouka Suigetsu is to touch the sword before perfect hypnotism is invoked. It took decades to learn that.

    Since nobody in the Gotei 13 knew of that, it was thrilling to feel that I could kill you, that the only one who can kill you was me.”

    As Aizen extracts the sword blood rushes out. “I knew that you targeted me, so I brought you along. I was fascinated at why you targeted my life.

    But this is not enough to kill me.” Gin looks down at his sword. He shows a part of his blade where a portion is missing. He says he left that portion inside Aizen.

    “I was lying when I explained my ability before. It doesn’t extend as long as I said. And it’s not as fast as I said, either.

    Only that when it expands and contracts for an instant it becomes dust. Furthermore, inside the blade is a deadly poison that dissolves the cells.

    When the sword was retracted after piercing you, I left a fragment of dust inside of you, Captain.

    And so he puts his hand on Aizen’s chest. “Die! God Killing Lance” “Gin….you bastard…!!” says Aizen.

    “A hole will open up in your chest and you’ll die. That is my long cherished ambition.” As he says this the fragment inside Aizen begins to dissolve. Until next chapter.

    Amministratore del forum

    Traduzione in ITA
    [SPOILER]Spoiler tradotto in ITA da Hast.:

    Cover pic is Gin in a bamboo thicket wearing a white kimono and taking off a fox mask.
    Nell’immagine della copertina c’è Gin in un boschetto di Bamboo che indossa un kimono bianco e si toglie la maschera da volpe.

    The text says, “You are this world. I am nirvana. If it’s true then I’ll rely on you.”
    Il testo dice, “Tu sei questo mondo. Io son oil nirvana. Se ciò è vero allora io conto su di te.”

    Gin returns. He’s asked about Rangiku and he says he killed her.
    Gin risponde. Chiede di Rangiku e dice di averla uccisa.

    “Certainly her reiatsu has disappeared,” says Aizen. “I thought you had a bit more regard for her.”
    “Di sicuro il suo reiatsu è sparito”, dice Aizen. “Pensavo che tu avessi un po’ più di riguardo per lei.”

    “I am a snake, cold blooded, unfeeling, searching for prey with the tip of the tongue, swallowing whole whomever I please.”
    “Io sono un serpente, di sangue freddo, insensibile, cerco le prede con la punta della lingua, ingoio tutto ciò che mi è di gradimento.”

    As he says this he passes by Aizen. During this time Tatsuki and the others try to get far away.
    Detto ciò, egli va da Aizen. Durante questo lasso di tempo Tatsuki e gli altri cercano di andarsene.

    Aizen says he’s tired of catching mice. He’ll kill them and hang them where they can be easily seen from outside the area, and then begin creating the king’s key.
    Aizen dice di essere stanco di catturare topini. Li ucciderà e li appenderà là dove potranno essere facilmente visti da fuori l’area, quindi inizierà a creare la chiave del re.

    “Then I’ll kill those kids.” Gin draws his sword and restrains Aizen’s sword.
    “Poi ucciderò questi bambini.” Gin sguaina la spada e ferma quella di Aizen.

    Then using his own clothes for a blindfold, he stabs Aizen through the chest with his own sword.
    Poi usando i suo vestiti come benda, pugnala Aizen al petto con la sua spada.

    “The only way to escape Kyouka Suigetsu is to touch the sword before perfect hypnotism is invoked. It took decades to learn that.
    “L’unico modo di sfuggire a Kyouka Suigetsu è toccare la spada prima che egli invochi l’ipnotismo perfetto. Ci sono voluti decenni per scoprirlo..

    Since nobody in the Gotei 13 knew of that, it was thrilling to feel that I could kill you, that the only one who could kill you was me.”
    Poichè nessuno nel Gotei 13 lo sapeva, è stato eccitante sentire di poterti uccidere, sapere che l’unico che poteva ucciderti ero io.”

    As Aizen extracts the sword blood rushes out. “I knew that you targeted me, so I brought you along. I was fascinated at why you targeted my life.
    Appena Aizen estrae la spada il sangue scorre fuori. “Sapeco che mi osservavi, perciò ti ho portato avanti. Mi affascinava sapere perché mirassi alla mia vita.

    But this is not enough to kill me.” Gin looks down at his sword. He shows a part of his blade where a portion is missing. He says he left that portion inside Aizen.
    Ma ciò non basta per uccidermi.” Gin guarda sotto la sua spada. Egli mostra una parte della sua lama dove manca un pezzo. Dice che lasciato il pezzo dentro Aizen.

    “I was lying when I explained my ability before. It doesn’t extend as long as I said. And it’s not as fast as I said, either.
    Prima quando ho spiegato la mia abilità ho mentito. Esso non allunga il tempo come ho ditto. E non è neanche veloce come ho detto.

    Only that when it expands and contracts for an instant it becomes dust. Furthermore, inside the blade is a deadly poison that dissolves the cells.
    Solo che quando si espande e si contrae per un istante diventa polvere. Inoltre all’interno della lama c’è un veleno mortale che ditrugge le cellule.

    When the sword was retracted after piercing you, I left a fragment of dust inside of you, Captain.
    Quando la spada è stata ritirata dopo che ti ho trafitto, ho lasciato un granellino di polvere dentro di te, Capitano.”

    And so he puts his hand on Aizen’s chest. “Die! God Killing Lance” “Gin….you bastard…!!” says Aizen.
    Poi pone la sua mano sul petto di Aizen. “Muori! God Killing Lance [N.dT. Penso sia una tecnica ma non so come si chiami in ita]” “Gin tu.. bastardo..!!” Dice Aizen.

    “A hole will open up in your chest and you’ll die. That is my long cherished ambition.” As he says this the fragment inside Aizen begins to dissolve. Until next chapter.
    “Un buco si aprirà nel tuo petto e tu morirai. Questo è il sogno che a lungo ho accarezzato.” Nel momento in cui lo dice il pezzo di lama dentro Aizen comincia a dissolversi. Al prossimo capitolo![/SPOILER]

    Spoiler Pics


    Source: 2ch
    Credits: kydo
    Verification: ???
    Non ne ho idea … lo script lo dava confermato la traduzione pending … :mah:

    Prendetelo con le pinze 😀
    The power of Hougyoku can extremely quickly even poison

    藍染「まさかこの程度で私が死ぬと本気で思っていたいのかい? ギン」
    Aizen (A) – Did you reaaly think to kill me just with that? Gin?

    Gin (G) – W-ha…

    A – I’m disaoppinted in you… It’s awful, so I’ll end this

    G – Eh…

    Gin then slashes Aizen again

    A – You can hurt me as you like, but until Hougyoku is destoyed, I’m invulnerable

    G – Ugh

    Gin is bending down

    藍染「さようなら 今まで御苦労だったね ギン」
    A – Farewell, you was a problem until now, Gin

    G – S-shit

    Aizen is swinging his katana… then

    Gin – !!!

    テッサイ「縛道の九十九 禁!!!」
    Tessai – Bakudou no 99! Kin!!

    A – !?

    Aizen’s movements are restrained by Kin-spell

    竜弦「よくやった 元・大鬼道長」
    Ryuken (R) – Well done, ex-kidou-Chief-captain

    On top of the building Ryuken is standing with spirit bow

    R – “Cutter of Souls” (maybe his bow name?)

    He shoots this “Cutter of Souls” and makes a direct hit at Aizen

    A – W-what is this?!

    竜弦「魂を切り裂く者・・・霊圧分子を吸収し、分解させる力を持つ 滅却師唯一つの 刃を持っ た武器だ」
    R – Cutter of souls… It absorbs rejatsu participles, and has a power to degrade it’s victim. And it’s the only Quincy weapon that has blade (Er, I REALLY think I’ve heard it from Ishida about Zelee Shnider)

    A – By such thing…!!

    テッサイ「破道の九十 黒棺!!!」
    Tessai – Hadou no 90! Kurotsugi! (Black Coffin, ha!)

    And he blows up Aizen with the full, complete version of the Black Coffin Spell

    It’s all you got? (I dunno who’s phrase it is )

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