Bleach 412: Solo Spoiler

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  • #630580
    Amministratore del forum

    Nella seguente discussione potrete trovare gli spoilers di Bleach 412.
    1)Postare, come dice il titolo, solo gli Spoiler (script e pics)! Per la loro discussione c’è l’apposito topic.
    2)Postare, possibilmente, script che abbiano almeno la traduzione in inglese (per una maggiore “leggibilità” da parte di tutti) con la relativa Fonte, il relativo Stato (Confermato, Incerto o Fake) e i dovuti Crediti.
    Script e Pics vanno rigorosamente sotto .
    3)Possibili fonti dove trovare spoiler confermati: MangaHelpers e 2ch.

    Thread Riaperto

    Amministratore del forum

    Fonte:2ch / FLOL
    Crediti:Ohana / Sheetz
    [SPOILER]愛染 銀の前に立つ松本
    Matsumoto stands in front in Aizen and Gin.
    Kanonji banters with Matsumoto.
    Kanonji tells Tatsuki to flee with Machiru.

    銀 僕の知り合いがすいません~隊長~
    Gin: Please excuse me and my acquaintance, captain.
    愛染 ここで話すといいよ~~~
    Aizen: You can speak here…
    銀 邪魔でしょ~~~
    Gin: We’ll be in your way.
    銀、松本を抱え飛ぶ ビルの上へ
    Gin grabs Matsumoto and flies to the roof of a building.
    松本 なんで愛染の下に?~~~
    Matsumoto: Why are you serving under Aizen?
    銀 乱菊邪魔や~~ 
    Gin: You’re in the way,Rangiku.
    刺す?? 倒れてる松本
    Does he stab her?? Matsumoto collapses.

    走る観音寺 タツキ降ろして!!
    Kanonji runs. “Tatsuki, drop down!!”
    We see Keigo holding a sword.
    He borrowed it from Afro Shinigami, who had collapsed.
    It seems Keigo is now able to sense Aizen’s reiatsu.

    Both Papa Isshin’s hands are bound by a cloth.
    Blood trickles down from Ichigo’s mouth.
    The end.[/SPOILER]
    Traduzione ITA
    [SPOILER]Matsumoto si mette di fronte ad Aizen e Gin
    Kanonji bisticcia con Matsumoto.
    Kanonji dice a Tatsuki di fuggire insieme a Machiru.
    Gin: La prego di scusare me e la mia conoscente, capitano.
    Aizen: Potete parlare anche qui…
    Gin: Le saremo solo tra i piedi.
    Gin afferra Matsumoto e vola verso le macerie di un edificio.
    Matsumoto: Perchè sei diventato un servitore di Aizen?
    Gin: Ti stai mettendo di mezzo,Rangiku.
    Matsumoto collassa. (forse per le ferite riportate in precedenza)
    Kanonji scappa. “Tatsuki, lasciamo stare!!”
    Keigo tiene in mano una spada che ha preso in prestito dallo shinigami con l’afro che era stato sconfitto.
    Sembra che adesso Keigo sia in grado di percepire il reiatsu di Aizen.
    Entrambi le mani di Isshin sono avvolte da un panno.
    Dalla bocca di Ichigo esce del sangue.


    Fonte: 2ch
    Status: Confermato
    Credits: 69るま
    Rangiku appears before Aizen and Gin.
    Don Kanonji grumbles that he was going to stop those two. He then escapes with Tatsuki.
    As they leave Tatsuki wonders hazily, “Who was that? Is she Ichigo’s acquaintance? She’s wearing a kimono. Ichigo, you didn’t tell me you knew someone so beautiful.”
    Aizen tries to speak to Rangiku but is interrupted by Gin. “Excuse my acquaintance. I’ll take her over there and then come back.”
    “You have time. Feel free to speak here,” says Aizen. But Gin says they’ll just be in the way and leaves with Rangiku. Aizen: “Amusing as always, that boy.”
    On the roof of a building, Gin asks how she came to be there. Matsumoto: “After your reiatsu disappeared I immediately used the senkaimon to get here before you.”
    Gin: “Not that. Why did you come staggering here?”
    Rangiku: “Isn’t it obvious? Because you’re here. I can finally ask you in person why you’re serving under Aizen, and why you betrayed Kira, who trusted you.”
    Gin: “Are you speaking truthfuly? Are you really speaking about Izuru?
    Why did you come here…Rangiku. You’re a hindrance when you’re so close by.” Gin points his sword at her. SLASH!!
    We see Don Kanonji fleeing. Tatsuki says they can slow down now. “There’s Arisawa!” cries Keiko, carrying a sword.
    “Afro-san was collapsed over there so I borrowed it.” Tatsuki asks who “Afro-san” is and he explains.
    “What about Chizuru and Kojima” she asks. “I found Mizuiro. He’s over there with Honshou. We’re running away now.Those guys from before are getting closer.
    Gin leaves the rooftop, and behind him is a fallen Rangiku with blood streaming from her chest. He has a sword in his hand. Aizen gives him a sideways glance.
    Switch to Ichigo and Isshin. “Not done yet, Ichigo?” Isshin asks. Ichigo spits out blood. Till next chapter.[/SPOILER]

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