Bleach 377 : Solo Spoiler

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  • #627962
    Amministratore del forum

    1) Postare, come dice il titolo, solo gli Spoiler (script e pics)! Per la loro discussione c’è l’apposito topic.
    2) Postare, possibilmente, script che abbiano almeno la traduzione in inglese (per una maggiore “leggibilità” da parte di tutti) con la relativa Fonte, il relativo Stato (Confermato, Incerto o Fake) e i dovuti Crediti.
    Script e Pics vanno rigorosamente sotto .
    3)Possibili fonti dove trovare spoiler confermati: Mangahelpers e 2ch.

    ———- Post added at 14:20 ———- Previous post was at 14:07 ———-

    Fonte:Sheetz, FLOL

    Starts with Kensei.
    白 私の敵討ちしてくれるんだ…
    Mashiro: You’re avenging me…
    69 俺の言う事もきかないで突っ込んでいったお前のあだ討ちなんてするか!
    Kensei: You didn’t even follow my instructions so why would I avenge you?
    It’s just that I can’t approve of this cheeky kid!!
    Bankai!! Then they start fighting.
    愛染様へ  愛染の後ろでドンパチしてるwwと69を背に
    Switches to Aizen. His back is turned to the battle between WW and Kensei.
    Nja says he’s sorry but he doesn’t remember what happens very well.
    Aizen starts saying provoking things.
    平子 ひより~策なしに無闇に突っ込んだらアカン あいつの能力は~
    Hirako: Hiyori, it’s no use rushing in without a plan. This guy’s ability…
    愛染 なにをそんなに怖がっているんですか?  平子隊長?
    Aizen: What are you so afraid of, Captain Hirako?
    ひより ビキビキ
    Hiyori gets fired up.
    愛染 そんな怖がらなくても大丈夫でしょう~なんせあなた達は一回死んでるんですから
       恐怖があるとでも~?  見たいな挑発をし
    Aizen says things like ” It’s ok to not be so afraid. After all you all have died once before, so what’s to be afraid of?”
    Hiyori erupts with an attack.
    Her body get pierced by a sword and her body is split in two (from the waist down)..(I heartless.)
    市丸 お一人様 終い~ 市丸の伸びた刀で斬られ
    Ichimaru: Customer, it’s over. She was cut down by Ichimaru’s extended sword.
    平子  ひよりいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい~ 上半身をもち 
    Hirako: Hiyoriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii He hold her upper body.
    ひより  シ・・ンジ・・うち・・我慢・・・できな・・・かった…
    Hiryori: Shin…ji…My insides…I… can’t bear it….
    平子    ハッチ!!!        右腕がないのをみて 
    Hirako: “Hachi!!” He sees him without his right arm.
    If Orihime-chan were here she could heal it…
         苺!!!!! なにやっとんや~苺早く来てくれ~~~
    Ichigo!!!!What are you doing? Ichigo, hurry up and come…
    苺がどこかにむかって落下してる絵が書かれて  苺間に合うか!?  
    The text reads, “Where is Ichigo headed? Will he be in time!”
    The end.[/SPOILER]
    Fonte:Ohana @ 2ch
    Crediti:sheetz @ FLOL

    [SPOILER]377 Shout at the Dark

    Ichigo, his upper is body unclothed.
    永き因縁… 堅く握る拳にのせて、今…
    Eternal destiny…caught in a hard grip, now…(TN: This must be the side text.)
    Kensei catches Mashiro in midair.
    白『け けんせい あたしのかたきうち…?へへ…』
    Mashiro: “Ke, Kensei. Are you avenging me…? Hehe…”
    The right side of her mast is broken and blood flows from her mouth.
    ケンセイ『ナニ嬉しそうに言ってんだ バカ テメーが俺の忠告きかなかったからそうなったんだろが そんなアホの仇なんか誰が討つか』
    Kensei: “What are you so happy about? Why would I do that when you were dumb enough to ignore my warnings? Who would attack the enemy of a fool like that?”
    Kensei: “I’m just shoving my fist into this showoff kid.”
    WW comes.
    Kensei: “Bankai!”
    His sword is a dagger.
    『鐵拳 断風』 見た目はチャドの右手みたいになる。刀は メリケンみたいな
    “Iron Fist Cutting Wind” turns into something looking like Chad’s right arm. The sword looks like a fist.

    Scene switches to Aizen.

    Hiyori begins to remove her mask.
    ヒツガヤ、ラブ、ローズ、ハッチ、ソイフォン 棒立ち。
    Hitsugaya, Love, Rose Hacchi, Soifon are standing around.
    平子『迂闊に近づかんとけよ。アイゼンのあの能力や 考え無しに近づいたらその時点で終いやど』
    Hirako: “Don’t approach carelessly. With Aizen’s ability, getting close without thinking would be the end.”
    Hiyori: “I know.”
    平子『アホ お前に言うてんねん 柄から力抜け ひより』
    Hirako: “Fool. I’m talking to you. Loosen your grip, Hiyori”
    アイゼン『流石 思いやり深い言葉だ 平子隊長』
    Aizen: “As expected, profound words of sympathy, Captain Hirako.”
    Hiyori makes an irritated face.
    Hirako: “Hiyori!”
    アイゼン『だが 迂闊に近づいたら終わりとは 滑稽に響くな 迂闊に近づこうが 慎重に近づこうが 或いは全く近づかずとも全ての結末は同じこと 未来の話などしていない
    Aizen: “‘But saying that it’ll be over if you approach. Don’t try to be funny. Approaching carelessly or cautiously, or even not at all, the conclusion will be the same. I’m not creating your future story.
    君たちの終焉など 既に逃れようのない 過去の事実なのだから』
    It’s already too late for you to escape your demise because of the facts from the past.”
    ラブ、ローズ イラつく
    Love and Rose are irritated too.
    Hirako: “He’s trying to provoke you! Don’t give in!!”
    Aizen: “Is there something you’re afraid of?
    百年前のあの夜に 君達は既に死んでいるというのに』
    Even though on that night a hundred years ago all of you died already.”

    Hiyori angrily moves toward Aizen.
    Hirako stops her. “Hiyori!!”
    Hiyori raises her sword.
    She’s split in 2.
    Hiyori sees the bottom half of her body fall away.
    She was sliced from behind by Gin’s extended sword.
    『お一人様 おー終い』
    Gin: “The customer is finished.” [TN: Gin literally says “one person is finished,” but he talks like he’s a
    restaurant worker and Hiyori is the customer. Gin speaks in Kansai dialect and characters who speak
    that dialect are often portrayed as shopkeepers, so this may be Kubo’s way of poking fun at that stereotype.]
    Hirako: “Hiyorii!!!”
    He rushes over and holds her upper body.
    Hiyori, with faith breath:
    『ご… ゴメンな… …シンジ… ウチ…ガマンできひんかった』
    “I’m sorry…Shinji…I couldn’t stand it…”
    Hirako is shocked.
    Hirako: “Hacchi!!!”
    He notices that Hacchi can’t use his right arm.
    He remembers Orihime.
    平子『せや… 織姫ちゃんの能力やったら まだ治せる…! 一護!!! 一護はまだ… 戻って来えへんのか…!! 一護!!!!』
    Hirako: “That’s right…with Orihime-chan’s ability we can still cure you…! Ichigo!!! Ichigo still hasn’t returned…? Ichigo!!!”
    Two page spread of Ichigo leaping.
    煽りは 間に合うか…!?
    Text says, “Will he bein in time…!?”
    The end.[/SPOILER]

    Fonte:Sheetz, FLOL
    Starts with Kensei.
    白 私の敵討ちしてくれるんだ…
    Mashiro: You’re avenging me…
    69 俺の言う事もきかないで突っ込んでいったお前のあだ討ちなんてするか!
    Kensei: You didn’t even follow my instructions so why would I avenge you?
    It’s just that I can’t approve of this cheeky kid!!
    Bankai!! Then they start fighting.
    愛染様へ  愛染の後ろでドンパチしてるwwと69を背に
    Switches to Aizen. His back is turned to the battle between WW and Kensei.
    Nja says he’s sorry but he doesn’t remember what happens very well.
    Aizen starts saying provoking things.
    平子 ひより~策なしに無闇に突っ込んだらアカン あいつの能力は~
    Hirako: Hiyori, it’s no use rushing in without a plan. This guy’s ability…
    愛染 なにをそんなに怖がっているんですか?  平子隊長?
    Aizen: What are you so afraid of, Captain Hirako?
    ひより ビキビキ
    Hiyori gets fired up.
    愛染 そんな怖がらなくても大丈夫でしょう~なんせあなた達は一回死んでるんですから
       恐怖があるとでも~?  見たいな挑発をし
    Aizen says things like ” It’s ok to not be so afraid. After all you all have died once before, so what’s to be afraid of?”
    Hiyori erupts with an attack.
    Her body get pierced by a sword and her body is split in two (from the waist down)..(I heartless.)
    市丸 お一人様 終い~ 市丸の伸びた刀で斬られ
    Ichimaru: Customer, it’s over. She was cut down by Ichimaru’s extended sword.
    平子  ひよりいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい~ 上半身をもち 
    Hirako: Hiyoriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii He hold her upper body.
    ひより  シ・・ンジ・・うち・・我慢・・・できな・・・かった…
    Hiryori: Shin…ji…My insides…I… can’t bear it….
    平子    ハッチ!!!        右腕がないのをみて 
    Hirako: “Hachi!!” He sees him without his right arm.
    If Orihime-chan were here she could heal it…
         苺!!!!! なにやっとんや~苺早く来てくれ~~~
    Ichigo!!!!What are you doing? Ichigo, hurry up and come…
    苺がどこかにむかって落下してる絵が書かれて  苺間に合うか!?  
    The text reads, “Where is Ichigo headed? Will he be in time!”
    The end.[/SPOILER]
    Italian Translation
    Fonte:Sheetz, FLOL
    Traduzione Italiana olny for AMP: A l e-TheSennin

    Il capitolo inzia con Kensei e Mashiro che, dopo un breve dialogo, iniziano a combattere.

    Aizen si prepara ad intervenire, ma viene fermato da Hiyori, che pensa sia azzardato attaccare senza piano. Subito dopo viene trafitta dalla spada di Ichimaru, sotto gli occhi di tutti. Hirako si preoccupa e pensa che se ci fosse Orihime sarebbe stata in grado di guarirla.

    Il capitolo si conclude con tutti che aspettano impazientemente l’arrivo di Ichigo.[/SPOILER]

    Amministratore del forum

    Non hai neanche ascoltato quello che ti dicevo, perché mai dovrei vendicarti?!
    E’ solo che non posso lasciare impunito quel marmocchio impertinente!!
    平子 ひより~策なしに無闇に突っ込んだらアカン あいつの能力は~
    Hirako: Hiyori! Non ha senso andare allo sbaraglio senza un piano preciso
    (La “traduzione italiana” è sbagliata, è Hirako che dice ad Hiyori di non attaccare senza un piano… ed infatti…)
    愛染 なにをそんなに怖がっているんですか?  平子隊長?
    Aizen: Cos’è che ti spaventa così tanto… Capitano Hirako?
    (capitano? mi sono perso qualcosa?)
    ひより  シ・・ンジ・・うち・・我慢・・・できな・・・かった…
    Hiyori: Shi…nji… non sono riuscita… a controllarmi…
    (questa secondo me non era affatto corretta nella traduzione inglese… mi sembra più sensata così, “gaman dekinakatta” sarebbe “non ero in grado di sopportarlo”, è anche al passato… ma può darsi che sia io ad avere le traveggole e che sia giusta la traduzione inglese :D)
    一護 苺. XDDD

    Amministratore del forum



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