Nintendo annuncia The Legend of Zelda Game Music Collection

di Silvia Letizia Commenta

Uno degli aspetti che più hanno ricevuto l’approvazione del pubblico e della critica per quanto riguarda la serie di videogiochi del franchise di The Legend of Zelda è senza dubbio la sua colonna sonora che spazia dalle semplici melodie a 8 bit dei primi capitoli della serie alle quiete melodie più recenti e alle fanfare da battaglia. Con l’approssimarsi del 30esimo anniversario del franchise, la Nintendo ha deciso di fare uscire una compilation intitolata The Legend of Zelda Game Music Collection, che conterrà 93 della tracce migliori della serie, raccolte in 2 CD. Con 15 tracce ciascuno, i videogiochi di The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeThe Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds sono quelli più presenti nei CD, ma ci sono anche molte tracce tratte da The Wind WakerFour Swords Adventure.


The Legend of Zelda Game Music Collection uscirà in un’edizione limitata con un cofanetto esclusivo e 16 copertine differenti, ognuna per un videogioco diverso.

Tra track list include:

Title (The Legend of Zelda)
Death Mountain
Title (Zelda II: The Adventure of Link)
Overworld Map
Great Palace
Battle (Foreign Version)
Title (A Link to the Past)
Opening Demo
Hyrule Castle
Tal Tal Mountains (Link’s Awakening)
Color Dungeon (Link’s Awakening DX)
Title (Ocarina of Time)
Navi the Fairy
Boss Battle
Zelda’s Lullaby
Lon Lon Ranch
Great Fairy Fountain
Sheik’s Theme
Horse Race
Horse Race Finish
Song of Storms
Gerudo Valley
Ganondorf’s Theme
Ending Credits 2 (Orchestra)
Majora’s Theme (Majora’s Mask)
Stone Tower Temple (Front)
Ending Credits
Ending Credits 2
Overworld (Oracle games)
Moonlit Grotto (Oracle of Ages)
Dancing Dragon Dungeon (Oracle of Seasons)
Title (Wind Waker)
Outset Island (Aryll’s Theme)

Great Sea
Dragon Roost Island
Helmaroc King
Puppet Ganon (Insect Mode)
Ganondorf Battle
The Field (Four Swords Adventure)
Village of the Blue Maiden (Before Mystery is Solved)
Village of the Blue Maiden (After Mystery is Solved)
Realm of the Heavens
Palace of Winds
Shadow Link Battle
Beach Vacation (Navi Trackers)
Cross-Shaped Floating Island (Navi Trackers)
Title (Twilight Princess)
Teaser Music #1
Hyrule Field
King Bulblin Battle
Oshus’s Theme (Phantom Hourglass)
Linebeck’s Theme
Great Sea
Spirit Train 2 (Spirit Tracks)
Byrne’s Theme
Final Session: Malladus Battle, Second Half
Ballad of the Goddess (Skyward Sword)
Great Sky
Ending Credits
Title (A Link Between Worlds)
Peaceful Hyrule
Kakariko Village
Meeting Princess Zelda
Hyrule’s Bosses
Mother Maiamai’s Theme
Lost Woods
Hyrule Main Theme 2
Yuga Battle
Princess Hilda Appears
Passing Battle
Ravio’s Theme
Lorule Main Theme
Death Mountain
Main Theme (Tri Force Heroes)
Boss Battle

[ Fonte | ANN ]

[ Fonte | Wikipedia ]

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